HVAC Preventative Maintenance Tips  

Setting wall thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit as a conservation measure in summer. Digital thermostat display is backlit.
Setting wall thermostat to 78 degrees Fahrenheit as a conservation measure in summer. Digital thermostat display is backlit.

It is ideal for you to hire an HVAC company when it comes to proper inspection and maintenance of your system at home. The comprehensive inspection has to be performed twice a year, during the fall and then on spring in order to ensure the system is performing at the highest level possible. A professional HVAC contractor will be taking care of things you cannot do on your own. One example is cleaning and doing comprehensive inspections on the mechanisms and wiring of the unit. There are just some things that you as a homeowners cannot do without an expert’s help.

But then again, it does not mean you do nothing to contribute to your system’s optimum performance and longer life. You should know that there are ways to perform preventative maintenance for your Beverly Hills Heating & Air Conditioning without the professional’s help.

There are some jobs you have to do immediately and more frequently while other tasks will have to be performed once every year or seasonally.

First, you need to purchase a better filter. If you still don’t know it yet, the new filters today come with highly efficient pleated materials with electrostatic charge. They work similar to magnets wherein they grab very tiny particles, especially those that carry with them bacteria and other harmful airborne particles. But even if you have the best filter, it still needs replacement at least every three months. But if the filter is already clogged and too dirty, it does not make sense if you wait it out for three months before you replace it, especially if you let your pets stay inside.

Also, it is equally important to guarantee that there is at least two feet of space or clearance around the outdoor air conditioning units and the heat pumps.

And during the summer, fall, and spring, ensure that all debris like leaves, twigs, and pollen are removed from the top and sides of your heat pumps and air conditioning units. This is a good and practical way to prevent the likelihood of major heating and air conditioning repairs later on.

Another important preventative Cooling Maintenance and Services Los Angeles is to inspect insulation on refrigerant lines on a monthly basis. In this regard, you need to replace anything that’s missing or badly damaged. On an annual basis meanwhile, you need to make sure that the outdoor air conditioning components as well as the heat pumps are placed on a level ground or in pads.

Moreover, try to look for the condensate drain of your air conditioner and when you see it, pour a mixture of bleach and water, the purpose of which is to prevent the likelihood of mold and algae building up.

Keep all these things in mind and you will realize you can actually save money on your annual cooling and heating costs while at the same time keep your system up and running for the longest possible time. Should you want to read further, continue reading at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bruce-lubin/homemade-air-fresheners_b_3741420.html.

HVAC Preventative Maintenance Tips  

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